Dr. Tina Boshell Wilson

Dr. Tina was raised in Winston County and graduated from Haleyville High School in 1989. She attended Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, Georgia, and graduated with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in December of 1993. She began practicing with her father, Dr. Muris Boshell, in Jasper in January of 1994 and eventually bought the practice from him in 1998.

She enjoys her practice very much. Helping people is her number one goal. "Our focus is on improving peoples' lives without the use of drugs or surgery," says Dr. Tina. "I want our patients to feel comfortable here and be able to function at 100 percent of what God intended for their lives."

She works in her office three days a week and spends the remaining days as a stay-at-home mom to three boys. She is married to Rod Wilson, also of Jasper, and enjoys working next door to her younger brother and fellow chiropractor, Dr. Josh Boshell.

She believes chiropractic treatment is a way of life and wants people to know that it is a great way to relieve pain and stress. "If there was a saying that best describes my philosophy of life," says Dr. Tina, "it would have to be Proverbs 17:22, which says, 'a cheerful heart is good medicine.'"